Is winter over yet?

Monday’s are my second hardest day… and today it didn’t help that it was like 20 degrees all day. AND THEN, the sun went down, and the temperature followed.

ImageAs you can see, when it was time for me to go running on my dinner break at work, the weather did not want to cooperate. I’m proud to say I STILL WENT, even though I really didn’t want to. I’m also happy to say that Day 2/Week 2 C25K was easier than Saturday’s Day 1/Week 2. I’m not sure if it was easier because there were fewer people outside (actually, none today) and there was less pressure to push myself, or if I’m actually getting into better shape. I’d like to think it was the second one, but its hard to believe that because I haven’t worked out like this in years. MAYBE it was the good music that pandora provided me today!


It’s pretty cool to think back over the last week and a half and see that I’ve worked out five times. That’s something to be proud of! AND, I know that I can run in the cold, so I’ll be more likely to do it on my break Wednesday too.

On another note, I’ve had the munchies quite a bit today too. I had a chicken salad for lunch at my internship that was utterly unimpressive, and I think it left me craving something that would be satisfying. Its not that I hate salad or anything, but when I got to work after interning all day, I realized I wanted to eat, but wasn’t actually hungry. I made some popcorn and then had a clementine, but was struggling with suppressing the urge to eat more. So, around 6:30pm, I broke down and ate my dinner, which happens to be good timing, but I still wasn’t actually hungry yet. My dinner was delicious (home-made stir fry ~400 calories) and actually got rid of my cravings for quite a while. At that point in the day, I had only eaten 1,395 calories, and then I went running. My stomach often starts getting grumbly after a run, so I had some cottage cheese (which I also LOVE), but still felt the munchies.  It’s a frustrating pattern; some days I feel great and can eat only like 1,100 calories, and others I’m eating like 1,700 and still want more. Being awake for 20 hours certainly doesn’t help…. and neither does getting exercise. I like to convince myself that exercising really does help, but on days that I can’t stop munching, I wonder if that’s why. But, to play devil’s advocate, if I’m going to munch anyways, and eat 1,700 calories, I’m glad that I burned like 200 by running/walking.

So, that’s all for today. Hopefully Tired Tuesday won’t kill me this week! And thank GOD next week is spring break! I could use the sleep.

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