
I’m Jess.


I started this blog as a 24 year-old, married chick with many thoughts and no outlet. I’ve got a very sweet husband and two dogs that I used to consider my children until I then birthed two actual children.  Since the beginning of this blog, I finished my Master’s in Counseling; however I’m continuing to learn a lot about self-care and insight, which are not natural instincts for me.  SO, in the interest of personal development, I’m keeping this blog as a way to explore my thoughts and feelings, as well as help keep myself motivated to become healthier.

That being said, one of my main goals is to lose weight. I have always been heavier than the average female, but it wasn’t until my last two years of college and grad school that I really became unhealthy.  I had a knee surgery that kept me from exercising for several months, and since then, I’ve had periods of trying to get back to it with no permanent change. As it turns out, eating crappy food and not exercising are the perfect recipe for gaining A LOT of unhealthy weight. Now, I’m trying to turn my life around for several reasons.

First, I don’t like the fear of being unable to do some things. My mom has always told me that I have a “no fear” look in my eye, but that has slowly died as I’ve found myself much more out of shape than I ever thought possible.  I don’t want to have to say no to extreme things because I physically cannot do them, I want to say no because they are ridiculous or stupid.

Second, there are many health problems that run in my mom’s side of the family, including but not limited to, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and cancer. I don’t want to make it any more likely that I develop these diseases, so I really need to turn my life around.

Third, and possibly most importantly, when I started this blog I was thinking of having kids and wanted to ensure that was possible.  I did’t want to be the reason that I couldnt get pregnant, which we have now found is not the case. I have two beautiful baby boys who are my world! Buuuut now I fear continuing to avoid exercise will keep me from the ability to run around the back yard with my kids. I would be devastated if that happened.

Since I started this blog I’ve been honest about the struggles. The ups and downs, the successes and failures. I am continuing to write because I haven’t yet found the magic recipe for success but I’m still trying. I lose steam and back off, and then refocus and try something else.

So, although weight loss is not the only thing that I talk about in this blog, it will be mainly geared toward my experience as a woman trying to change her life (and the main change I’m making currently is my physical health).  I have learned many coping skills and methods for change in my counseling career, but now is the time that I need to learn to apply them. I’ve struggled with binge eating in the past and it is time to learn some impulse control as well as exactly what healthy eating is.

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