Monthly Archives: April 2017

Two week plateau

So, over the last two weeks I’ve only lost a pound. I had a couple of high calorie days and some iffy food choices so I’m not that surprised but I’m a bit bummed. 

I went to the gym for an interval workout and weights twice last week and as much as I like feeling strong, it just doesn’t fine me the weight loss or “damn that was a good workout” feeling. 

So, this week I’m back to my trusty runs. In fact, Saturday I set a new distance record. 6.5 miles! Wowza. 

I did do something cool last week- I got to see my favorite band Portugal. The Man in concert. It rocked! I went with my dad and Jared and my mom watched the boys so we got to go down early and have some beers and some delicious food and just have a good time. I needed it! I haven’t had time away from my kids in forever so I really felt like getting out without focusing on managing them and going wherever we want instead of what’s best for them was nice. It was also nice to come back and love on them the next day. 

Say what you want, self care is good! 

I’m especially proud that I was able to do that, in the middle of a plateau, and not give up on my running. It’s pretty cool to have the motivation just kind of be part of my routine. I remember a time just after I had the baby that I couldn’t have one cheat day because I was afraid that I’d be off the wagon for good. It’s nice to find some balance! Even tho it means the scale isn’t moving as fast as I might like… 😉