Nice quick Monday run

No more missing Monday’s. I did a 5k as part of the triathlon last weekend and I had hoped to PR. Turned out the Hills were horrrrrrrrible and I might be falling out of shape so I finished in 37:10 😱. The first place finisher had a 24 minute finish time tho which really does show how tough the course was, but it was a good indicator that I need to get my shit together again. 

I have a 10k race in a week and a half and then I think I’m gonna start training for a 10 miler in November. I also want to add one day of speed work per week tho so I can see if my time improves again. When I was 10 lbs lighter I was doing consistent 11 minute miles. Now I’m closer to 12 again and struggling. 

This week the goal has been to regain my eating habits. I set a goal of 1800 calories and recording everything because that’s how I’ve started in the past to have enough leeway to avoid a binge. I always have crazy cravings the first week or two so giving myself 1800 calories means I can have some sweets and still hit my goal. Full disclosure, the last two days have been 1850ish, but I’ll take it. 

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